The towns and regions vital activity issues under presidential control

The President held a working meeting. The current issues of life in towns and regions of the republic were discussed. The heads of state administrations informed about the situation on the ground. They reported on repair and construction work at various sites. Vasily Tishchenko mentioned among other things the completion of the reconstruction of the summer cinema. Its opening is scheduled for early June and will coincide with Children's Day. The program promises to be intense. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the facility was created precisely as a multidisciplinary platform for holding various kinds of events. It was noted that the state is carrying out serious work to create leisure infrastructure throughout Pridnestrovie. The task of local authorities is to revive it.

The heads of other cities spoke about cultural events. The festival season is gaining momentum. The Park of Catherine hosted participants in the “I am an Entrepreneur” festival and a large sports festival, as well as graduates of capital schools, for whom a large park disco was organized during the weekend. The school graduation celebration was held in the Alexander Nevsky Park of Bendery. Festival culture is developing in other cities. A thematic event was held last week by representatives of Jewish communities in the village of Rashkovo, Kamenka district. Increased interest in cultural events not only among the local population was noted in the course of the meeting. Tourists choose dates for visiting the republic, focusing, among other things, on the festival calendar. It is important to announce projects, as well as provide high-quality media coverage of their implementation, the President said.

The head of Bendery Roman Ivanchenko spoke about the international football tournament planned for early June. The football players age is 19 years. Teams from Moldova, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan are expected to participate. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed relevant structures to provide assistance in the organization.