Dialogues with the President

  • Vadim Krasnoselsky answered questions from journalists
  • Press point
  • The history open lesson. Theme: “The Great Patriotic War 1941 – 1945”
  • Vadim Krasnoselsky in an interview to PGTRK: “The system of international relations was built thanks to the negotiation process”
  • Conversation between the PMR President and PGTRK correspondent about Moldavian “Equal conditions for doing business”
  • Legal analysis of the compliance of the so-called law on separatism with international norms and articles of the Declaration of Independence of Moldova
  • Broadcast with the President
  • The history open lesson by the PMR President
  • The President met with Pridnestrovian sportsmen who took part in the X International School Sports Festival
  • The President talked to journalists and congratulated Pridnestrovians
  • Press conference of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky
  • The PMR President talked with media representatives
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