Vadim Krasnoselsky held a working meeting with the leadership and judges of the PMR Constitutional Court

Meeting of the PMR President with the leadership and judges of the Constitutional Court of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was held in the presidential executive office. The meeting is scheduled. The goal is to discuss current issues of the activities of the Constitutional Court of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Welcoming the interlocutors, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the history of the Constitutional Court is directly related to the Pridnestrovian statehood. He noted the importance of systematically maintaining contacts between the country's leadership and the judicial community for the prompt identification of problematic aspects and the timely elimination of irregularities found in the legal field. It was noted in the course of the meeting that imperfections in legislation are often revealed during the consideration of citizens' appeals. They also talked about the Constitution of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The President emphasized that he is a conservative and does not support "rewriting the Constitution" without special state need, while he considers that amendments to the text of the Basic Law of the country are permissible and necessary. According to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the existing problems are conditionally divided into three categories: unsolvable, solvable by the Constitutional Court, and issues requiring the intervention of the President.

Oleg Kabaloev said that the material support for the activities of the Constitutional Court is at the proper level, funding is provided on time and in full. The staffing table assumes 52 judges and employees of the PMR Constitutional Court, 41 specialists work (including six part-time workers) in fact.

The meeting participants mentioned the official publication of the PMR Constitutional Court in the conversation. The "Bulletin" was published previously in six languages ​​– three official (Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan) and three European (English, German, French). They came to the conclusion that it was inappropriate to translate the publication into foreign languages over time, abandoning this practice, which requires maintaining translators on staff. The issue of whether to limit the publication of the "Bulletin" to Russian or to publish it in the three official languages ​​is being discussed at present. Specific cases from judicial practice were discussed at the meeting, as well as issues related to the organization of the activities of the PMR Constitutional Court.