Pridnestrovie and its state symbols are today's birthday celebrants

Pridnestrovie turned 34 years old. The II Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of Pridnestrovie proclaimed the formation of an independent state – the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic on September 2, 1990, by the will of the multinational people, expressed during referendums and citizens' meetings. Its main state symbols, the coat of arms and flag are exactly one year younger than the republic. They were approved at the IV Congress, which took place on September 2, 1991. The young republic officially received a Constitution and a Declaration of Independence of the PMSSR at the same time.

The State Flag of the PMR proudly reached the sky to the sounds of the PMR anthem today on the occasion of the general name day. This is an integral tradition of celebrating the Day of the Republic. The ceremony is official and takes place in the presence of the country's leadership.