Pridnestrovie is 34

Pridnestrovie is celebrating its main state holiday – Republic Day. The 2nd of September, 1990 – the day of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic formation, the birth of Pridnestrovian statehood, the acquisition of independence, the Pridnestrovian region modern history beginning. 34 years filled with events, trials, achievements, reasons for sadness and joy, anxiety and pride. The path of creating and establishing the state is difficult and thorny. Pridnestrovians go through it with dignity, continuing the work of the founders of the republic.

Festive events are taking place throughout the country today. Official celebrations with the participation of top officials are held on the main square of the capital. The President, heads of public and administrative powers, ministries, departments, services, organizations and enterprises, military personnel, clergy, public figures, youth, and foreign guests gathered at the Tiraspol Memorial of Glory to observe a minute of silence in memory of the fallen defenders of the Pridnestrovian land and lay flowers at the Eternal Flame, monuments, and gravestones.