The President checked the Dniester Dawns healthcare complex readiness for the season opening

The healthcare resort subordinate to the PMR Ministry of Defense, located on the banks of the Dniester, will open the summer season of 2024 on May 17. The start of the children's healthcare campaign will be given by the “Young Patriot of Pridnestrovie” rally. More than three hundred children will gather at the camp. The camp director Andrei Railyan the President who arrived at the site for an inspection today told that it is planned to accept at least two thousand schoolchildren over the summer in total. The PMR President initiated the transfer of the complex to the defense department and maintained personal control over the development of the camp. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the change in departmental affiliation essentially saved the organization. The leisure and healthcare complex created in the 60s of the last century was in a deplorable state in the early 2000s. The team had not received wages for eight months, the number of visitors numbered in the dozens, and activities were practically reduced to nothing by the time it was transferred to the PMR Ministry of Defense in 2018. It is an effectively functioning business entity now that employs 60 employees year-round; Defense Minister Oleg Obruchkov noted in a conversation with the President that the number of employees reaches one and a half hundred in the summer season. The area related to the improvement of the adult population (outpatient service) is developing and is in demand, regardless of the time of year. The supply and demand for children's vouchers during the holiday period significantly exceeds. Andrei Railyan said dozens of calls are received daily, and there are no vacancies left for any of the four upcoming sessions.

The infrastructural transformation of the Dniester Dawns complex continues. A large dormitory building with a capacity of 200 people was reconstructed for the first session of this year. It is called "Flamingo". The two-story building consists of three sections. Two of them were built in 1969, the third one was built in 1971. There was no major repairs earlier. The young people vacationed there last year. Repair and construction work began immediately after the end of the 2023 season. The building meets not only sanitary and safety standards eight months later, but the needs of modern youth. They purchased new furniture and equipment in addition to carrying out repair work. Children's rooms are ready to accommodate four people, youth leaders will live in groups of two. The building includes a first aid station, a playroom, a laundry room, and offices. There are bathrooms for boys and girls on each floor. The building has a well-thought-out heating system, so the premises can be used all year round. The plans include the construction of an additional boiler house. There are seven of them in the camp now. It is assumed that the new one will serve four buildings and will allow significant savings on their heating. The administration expects to begin work this year, or next year at the latest. Plans for 2025 include a major renovation of the dining room. It is designed for 400 people. Communications and some equipment have already been replaced here, but the appearance of the facility requires updating. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to include the canteen in the application for participation in the Capital Investment Fund 2025 program. Improvement of the territory of the health complex continues.

The PMR President thanked the interlocutors for their work and wished the camp staff a successful season.