The President held a meeting with Pridnestrovian youth

The Forum of Youth Electoral Commissions is being held in Pridnestrovie. About a hundred young Pridnestrovians, members of the youth wing of the PMR CEC gathered at the site of the Dniester Dawns recreation complex. The program of the rally is scheduled for three days – September 23, 24 and 25 – and involves the holding of three dozen multi-directional events. The participants arrived, got to know each other, and officially opened the forum yesterday. They managed to hold the first meetings with invited guests – worked out speaker platforms dedicated to youth employment, volunteering, and the implementation of social and grant projects. Today is defined as the main part of the forum. The young people discussed elections and political processes in modern realities, played the intellectual "Battleship" and "Mafia" in the morning. Meeting of members of the forum with the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky was organized at noon. The format is interactive. The topic announced by the organizers is “The President's Family for Healthy Lifestyle”. The agenda was not limited to thematic framework despite the consonance with the well-known public and sports mass event in the republic. The interlocutors spoke about history and geopolitics, culture and medicine, education and employment, youth support and relations between representatives of different generations, domestic tourism and social projects, true values ​​and secrets of family well-being, relations between a citizen and the state, demography and legal culture. Vadim Krasnoselsky was asked how he sees the future of Pridnestrovie, clarified the essence of the state idea that unites the Pridnestrovian people. There were proposals to include in the compulsory school curriculum such elements as visiting places of military glory, museums, memorials, for example. They asked the PMR President for recommendations and everyday advice. Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed the youth not to be afraid of anything and never stop, and he named in his opinion three most important life principles: to love your neighbor, to be honest always and in everything, to keep your word. As for the experience of family life, the president's advice is simple: don't listen to anyone's advice. The “secret” of stress relief was also revealed – active family recreation in nature and cooking (the President does not bake cakes, but generally cooks with pleasure).

Concluding the conversation, the President thanked the interlocutors and expressed hope that the practice of such meetings would be continued. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers that the Youth Electoral Commissions forum should be held twice a year. This gathering is the first in four years of the organization's existence. The event continues, but the organizers, participants and guests are already stating its success.