The President held a meeting on preparations for the celebration of the anniversary of the liberation of settlements in Pridnestrovie from the German-Romanian invaders and the anniversary of the Great Victory

The extended meeting initiated by the President was held in the conference room of the presidential executive office. The topic was preparation for the celebration of the anniversary of the liberation of settlements in Pridnestrovie from the German-Romanian invaders and the 80th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The planned events are conditionally divided into three blocks: April, May and June.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that Pridnestrovians have always openly and on a grand scale celebrated dates related to the Great Patriotic War. Large-scale elements of the celebration had to be abandoned for objective reasons for several years, but these events have never been ignored. Current geopolitical realities and the special regime in force in the republic in this regard – the “yellow” level of terrorist threat – limit the possibility of holding a military parade, but other components are called upon to unite the residents and guests of the republic as much as possible and worthily celebrate significant historical dates. Two main points of the program for celebrating the 81st anniversary of the liberation of Tiraspol will be implemented at the capital’s Glory Memorial. A reburial ceremony of the remains of a Soviet soldier, whose name has not yet been found out, but there is a general idea of ​​the circumstances of his death, will take place there on April 11. The remains will be solemnly buried on the territory of the memorial complex – in its new part, the design of which is being completed. The nameless hero, who will rest in a place sacred to the people of Tiraspol, will become the embodiment of the feat of the Unknown Soldier. A monument of the same name will appear here, created by analogy with the one installed in Moscow. The composition was made at the Tiraspol plant “Elektromash”. It weighs about 4 tons. The monument will be delivered to the Memorial in parts, and assembled on site. The reburial will be held with due honors, military ceremony, and Orthodox burial traditions. The defender, whose name is unknown but whose feat is not forgotten, will walk his last path from the central point of Suvorov Square to the Glory Memorial.

A traditional flower-laying ceremony will be held at the reconstructed Glory Memorial on April 12.

The May celebrations dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory will be opened by clergy. On May 6, Archbishop Sawa will hold a large divine liturgy at the same Glory Memorial near the chapel of St. George the Victorious. Wreaths will be laid at the Eternal Flame. Representatives of military units, as well as future defenders of the Fatherland - young army cadets, Suvorov cadets, and members of the "Heirs of Victories" movement - will be invited to participate in the event. The Pridnestrovian State Choir will create a special atmosphere. After the ceremony, it is planned to set up a field kitchen.

The traditional festive concert in the Palace of the Republic is scheduled for May 7. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers that it should be based on the performances of the artists of the orchestra of the General Staff of the PMR Armed Forces.

The traditional Dugout events will take place with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on May 8. The venue is the courtyard of the City Palace of Culture.

The celebrations will begin on the central square of the capital with the Ceremony of raising the Flag of the PMR and the Victory Banner on Victory Day, May 9. Then there will be a procession of the Immortal Regiment, in which everyone will be invited to participate. The movement will start from the theater building and end at the Glory Memorial. Here a minute of silence will be announced and wreaths and flowers will be laid. A field kitchen will be organized in the Catherine Park. Daytime and evening concerts have been planned. Hundreds of couples will dance the Victory Waltz on the square.

On the same day, the official opening of the Pridnestrovian State Museum will take place. So far, we are talking about the first stage of the museum quarter - a block dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The meeting today discussed the future exhibition. An off-site meeting is planned for tomorrow. In the near future, such meetings will be frequent, since preparations for the opening require coordination and interaction. Another traditional thematic event is historical reconstruction. They are also working on it. It was decided that this year it will be held on Saturday, June 21 - the day before the anniversary of the beginning of the war. The location remains the same - the territory of the city beach. The scenario is being worked out. The "Heirs of Victories" movement is also preparing a patriotic festival.