The President held a regular working meeting on the issue of homeless animals

A resident of Bendery Irina Plagova has been working on the problem of homeless animals. She runs the center for a decade and a half. This is a public organization that takes practical measures to solve problems associated with stray four-legged animals. The shelter operates on a volunteer basis. The territory where it is located got a new owner four years ago. The center needs to change its address. The city offered various options. A specially created commission visited 28 places. Not a single site was suitable. Time passes, the issue remains open, the public organization receives fines for failure to comply with court decisions ordering the release of the territory. The number of complaints and claims from citizens concerned about the increase in the number of stray animals on the streets is growing at the same time. What to do? The participants of today's working meeting, chaired by the President, sought an answer to this question. Invited to the discussion the Chairman of the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Alexander Rosenberg suggested that the head of the animal assistance center independently choose a suitable location, and municipal and government agencies will consider the possibility of allocating it.

The meeting participants discussed a wide range of issues related to solving the socially significant problem of homeless animals. They talked about financing and legislative regulation, moral and ethical aspects and humanism, responsibility for domesticated pets and ensuring the safety of the population. Current instructions have been given.