The President recognized the activities of Slobodzeya state administration for 2024 as satisfactory

Yearly accounts of the heads of city and district administrations are traditionally heard and discussed via videoconference. The results of 2024 were summed up by Slobodzeya state administration today. According to established practice, the report of the year is provided in advance, and the most important indicators are announced in the course of the meeting. They were presented by Vasily Tishchenko. 188 boys and 168 girls were born in Slobodzeya district, 159 marriages were registered in 2024, according to him.

A large block of the report is devoted to the economy and finance. The head of the district noted that it has been possible to exceed the planned income indicators for 8 years. The municipal budget received 10% (17 million rubles) more than planned – 187.9 million in 2024. The overfulfillment allowed us to reduce the amount of initially approved transfers from the republican treasury by 27.8 million rubles (67.3 million received). 95% of the plan– 312.3 million was spent. The main area of ​​district spending is the fulfillment of social obligations: 210 million rubles, 195 million of which almost were spent on paying salaries to public sector employees. Almost 42 million were spent from the Road Fund for their intended purpose, 1.7 million rubles from the Environmental Fund, 7.2 million under the program for spending funds received from the tax on the maintenance of housing stock, socio-cultural facilities and improvement. The local capital construction and repair program was financed by 70% in the amount of 5.9 million. 1.5 million rubles were allocated as part of the target program for the repair of memorials and monuments to Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. Vasily Tishchenko drew attention to the fact that programs that were not fully implemented require additional funding in the current period. Vasily Tishchenko said that loans were issued to six young families for a total of 900 thousand rubles under the specialized state program, another 740 thousand were directed to lending to five peasant farms in the reporting period. The speaker said that there are 287 peasant farms in the district. 136 agricultural organizations are engaged in the agro-industrial complex in addition. Small and medium-sized businesses are represented by 626 units (nine were created in 2024), individual entrepreneurship – 4015 entities. Another state program is to provide housing for orphans. Eight houses and three apartments were purchased (2.5 million were spent) in 2024. 161 thousand rubles were allocated from the municipal budget to provide commercial housing for 24 orphans in addition. 15 representatives of this category of citizens were included in the queue to receive their own apartments or houses in 2024, a total of 342 people are currently on the list. 128 residents of Slobodzeya district are officially registered as needing better housing conditions, 76 of them are representatives of preferential categories: large families, disabled people, combat veterans). Returning to the topic of capital construction and repairs, Vasily Tishchenko noted that over 40 million rubles have been allocated from the republican and local budgets for these purposes. Accounts payable at the end of the year amount to almost 2.2 million. Ten facilities located in Slobodzeya district, for the restoration of which 22 million rubles were allocated, were included in the Capital Investment Fund 2024: the city sports complex, the Summer Cinema, the children's playground in Ternovka, the monument to Soviet soldiers in Kitskany, the Luchik and Ivushka kindergartens, the cultural centers of the villages of Frunze and Korotnoye, polyclinic in Slobodzeya and rural medical clinic in Parkany.

Vasily Tishchenko provided detailed information on the implementation of the most significant municipal programs. He focused on the work to improve the infrastructure of educational institutions, cultural and sports facilities, and historical heritage. He informed about the road works being carried out, reporting, among other things, on the installation, replacement, or reconstruction of 250 road signs and five public transport waiting points, marking on 85 kilometers of the roadway, updating sidewalks, paving and cementing the road surface. Speaking about street lighting, Vasily Tishchenko reported that 385 lanterns were installed and the network was increased by 17.5 thousand meters in 2024. The illumination of the roads of the Slobodzeya district is 43%. Speaking about landscaping works at the moment, the speaker said that 15538 seedlings were rooted over the year, 14442 of which are flowers and shrubs, 955 are deciduous trees, 141 are conifers.

The head of Slobodzeya drew attention to the indicators of development of individual construction, saying that the official commissioning of 47 new and 335 reconstructed private houses, 74 outbuildings, 42 garden houses and 17 garages was documented during the year.

The housing and communal services sector indicators: eight multi-storey buildings roofs were overhauled, 112 thousand cubic meters of garbage were removed, contracts for the removal of solid waste were concluded with 93% of homeowners during the year.

The head of Slobodzeya focused on the indicators in agriculture, considering that Slobodzeya district is an agricultural one. He recalled that the area of ​​agricultural land is 60.5 thousand hectares. They are used by 456 entities. More than 20 thousand hectares are irrigated (the area of ​​irrigated land increased by 905 hectares over the year). 26773 hectares were sown for the 2024 winter crop, 11636 hectares for spring grains and legumes, and 16731 hectares for industrial crops. 140 tons of grain were threshed. The average yield of grains and legumes was 39.7 c/ha. 93470 tons of winter wheat were harvested (yield 42.4 c/ha), 23706 tons of grain corn (yield 51.9 c/ha), and 31672 tons of industrial crops (yield 16.2 c/ha). 1402 hectares were planted with open-ground vegetable crops, and 21587 tons of produce were harvested. 6710 tons of fruit were harvested in Slobodzeya orchards (996 hectares of fruit plantings). Winter crops were sown on 30701 hectares for the 2025 harvest.

Livestock: 3254 pigs, 1771 cattle. 32156 tons of milk were produced. The average milk yield of a forage cow is 5 tons. 14 farms that delivered milk for industrial processing received subsidies from the state (the total amount of payments exceeded 2.5 million rubles). One and a half thousand tons of meat were produced in 2024: 829 tons – poultry, 514 tons – pork, 150 tons – beef.

Speaking about the education sector, Vasily Tishchenko said that it is represented by fifty organizations in Slobodzeya district: 24 kindergartens (2388 pupils – 195 less than in 2023) and 26 schools (6014 students). One and a half thousand young residents of the district attended two institutions of additional education during the reporting period. Hot meals were provided to 4106 students (65%) at schools. The estimated cost was 14.5 rubles per day. 2600 schoolchildren ate on preferential terms (the total cost was 5.4 million rubles). A similar amount was allocated to finance three meals a day for 726 preschoolers who are entitled to benefits. 13.8 million rubles were spent on updating the material and technical base of general, preschool and additional education organizations.

57 institutions employing 582 people in the cultural sphere of Slobodzeya district. More than four thousand diverse cultural events were held, reaching 400 thousand viewers during the year. The speaker drew attention to the increase in the number of off-site events. He said that 40 programs were implemented during the first season, 16 films were shown in the revived Summer Cinema. It is included in the Unified State Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage Objects. it contains in total 1493 Slobodzeya objects.

Vasily Tishchenko in his report focused on the events held within the framework of the state of emergency in the economy declared in 2024, and spoke about the tasks for 2025.

The local city and district council chairman Tatyana Zalevskaya spoke about the interaction of state administration with deputy corps. Parliamentarian Pavel Shinkaryuk conveyed the request of local residents to promptly complete the reconstruction of the district clinic. Chairman of the Government of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Alexander Rosenberg drew attention to the continuing deficit of the municipal budget, noting the need to look for additional sources of income and the possibility of reducing expenses, and spoke about the duplication of functions of some divisions of the state administration. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the advisability of holding some events for structural optimization. He gave specific examples. He said that it is reasonable to combine public education and sports into a single unit. It makes sense to combine departments responsible for economic and infrastructure development, construction, housing and communal services, and road management. The head of state spoke about the importance of holding events aimed at increasing the profitability of housing and communal services enterprises. Vadim Krasnoselsky highly appreciated the effectiveness of the interaction of Slobodzeya state administration with the local Council, and recognized the activities as a whole as satisfactory based on the results of 2024.