The President answered journalists' questions and congratulated Pridnestrovians on the holiday

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky answered journalists' questions after the official part of the festive program on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic formation. Vadim Krasnoselsky was asked about the main achievement, which must be included in the 34-year chronicle of the Pridnestrovian state. "The most important result is the strengthening of the "Pridnestrovian people" community. The multinational Pridnestrovian people is our common achievement. Everything comes from the Pridnestrovian people: peace, economy, development, stability, and so on. That's basically it in a few words. Of course, we have gone over 34 years through a lot, achieved a lot and, by and large, this is visible to the naked eye", Vadim Krasnoselsky answered. Answering the question about the legal basis and necessity of creating Pridnestrovie, the President noted, “It was necessary to protect the people living on the banks of the Dniester because our Pridnestrovian people at that time, in the late 80s – early 90s, at the time of the rampant Nazism on the territory of Moldova, found themselves outside the law, outside the right, outside life. Of course, people had to be simply protected, giving them the right to freedom, health and life. The legality is confirmed by international legal norms, including the laws of both Moldova and Pridnestrovie. There is no doubt about it.” The idea recently voiced by Vadim Krasnoselsky that Pridnestrovie is, according to foreign guests, a territory of common sense did not go unnoticed by journalists. They asked whether this same common sense would prevail in the neighboring state. The answer of the PMR President: “I am responsible for the people of Pridnestrovie and that’s all. I cannot speak for our neighbors. I would like to wish them peace, definitely. I wish everyone peace, development, happiness – I wish it to my people, and I wish it to all my neighbors sincerely. From the bottom of my heart. May God grant them wisdom and direct their efforts not to war and discord, but to peace and creation – that is what I want to wish. How they will act – that is up to them.

Media representatives drew attention to the fact that the conversation attracted the attention of foreign tourists who arrived to celebrate the Republic Day. They asked what attracts guests from abroad to Pridnestrovie in Vadim Krasnoselsky’s opinion. “Perhaps, this speaks of interest – interest in Pridnestrovie. Therefore, we always welcome everyone. We are open to dialogue, open to visits. We really have a lot of foreign tourists. They feel comfortable here. That is an indicator”, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, recommending that journalists ask this question to the guests nearby.

"What do you think keeps Pridnestrovie going?" is another question from the media. The PMR President's answered, "The people, only the people. Do you understand what the main nuance is here, not even a nuance, but the basis. There are recognized states after all, there are unrecognized states, but the essence is always important – what's inside. You can call yourself whatever you like: recognized, unrecognized. People evaluate what's inside, the essence of the state: how comfortable they are there – uncomfortable, safe, unsafe, how they can protect their health and their rights. Do you understand? I can give a lot of examples of recognized states where human rights are not respected, where wars are going on, where terrible corruption is thriving, there is no right to life in fact. You can make a whole list of such states. Our state is unrecognized, but we have the right to life, the right to freedom, we have a law that everyone obeys. This is important. That is why not only refugees from Ukraine in these difficult times come to us, citizens of other countries live here, and they feel comfortable here, for example. Another important point. What is recognition? There are international organizations that recognize states, the UN recognizes if from the point of view of legal norms, but everyone somehow forgets about the people. The first recognition comes from the people. If the people recognize the government, then this state is recognized, and everything else is details, technical details. Today it is one way, tomorrow it is different: some recognize, others do not recognize, others withdraw recognition, but the people - the people have to recognize. Thanks to the people we live and will continue to live, I have no doubt about it. The Pridnestrovian people are more than two hundred years old. Today they have flourished and become stronger. This is a fact." Festive wishes to the Pridnestrovians from the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky: "The most, probably, simple human things and desires: peace, health, development, happiness, love. The people of Pridnestrovie deserve this, and I would very much like it to be so. Recognition to our republic. Recognition of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic!"