February is the time to sum up the departmental results of the past year. The series of boards was opened by the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The meeting was held via videoconference. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the work. The Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Neagu delivered the main report.
Summing up the results of the operational and service activities of the bodies, divisions and institutions of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2024, the minister emphasized that it was significantly influenced by potential external threats and security challenges. The personnel were involved in measures to ensure law and order in the conditions of the established level of terrorist threat, assist refugees from Ukraine, and eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. Vitaly Neagu highlighted the crime situation in the republic as a separate block. The number of crimes committed in 2024 did not increase compared to 2023 – 2708 facts. There is a 40% increase in such a category as especially serious crimes at the same time. There are 226 of them registered. There were 33.3% more murders (12 cases), 66.7% more rapes (10 cases), 37.5% more extortions (11 cases), 14% more hooliganism than in 2023 (65 cases). The registration of armed robberies, robberies, thefts, car thefts, destruction of property, and crimes committed in public places decreased. The overall crime detection rate remained at approximately the same level as the previous year and amounted to 80.3% of completed criminal cases.
Speaking about the fight against drug trafficking, Vitaly Neagu recalled that the detection of such crimes decreased in 2020-2022. The positive dynamics outlined in 2023 were maintained in 2024. There were 358 acts documented. The activities of five online stores, two drug laboratories and an organized group that was engaged in smuggling and contactless distribution of drugs were stopped in the reporting year. More than 91 kilograms of drugs were seized (65 kg more than in 2023) during the year. 583 administrative protocols regarding illegal drug trafficking were drawn up. The Minister drew attention to the fact that illegal drug trafficking is often interconnected with other types of crimes. The speaker noted that the number of socially dangerous acts committed by the unemployed, minors, previously convicted citizens and persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication decreased and, on the contrary, the number of recorded crimes committed in a state of drug intoxication, by women and foreign citizens increased in the reporting period. The head of the law enforcement agency talked about the topic of telephone scammers, which remains relevant. 35 cases were registered with a total damage to victims of more than three million rubles last year. 25 were solved. 20 couriers were detained, five were put on the wanted list. If we talk about various types of fraud in general, then 105 cases were documented last year. 91 crimes were promptly solved. As part of combating crimes in the field of information technology, 12 cases were identified. All of them were committed by one person. The person was detained. The materials are in court. The speaker focused on the activities of the public safety militia. Employees solved 924 crimes. 356 people on the wanted list were detained. 97305 administrative protocols were drawn up.
Economic crimes: 311 cases were identified. The total damage was over 57 million rubles. Almost 20 million were compensated, over 17 million of which were for tax crimes. The Department for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption recorded 123 (30 cases more than in 2023) cases of counterfeit banknotes being sold last year. 48 reports on non-compliance with cash discipline were drawn up. Another area is the assessment of tender procedures. This is an instruction from the President. The results of the inspections were 10 criminal cases. Three cases were initiated following an inspection of the execution of state program expenditure estimates by government bodies and departments in addition. Control measures were carried out in the field of passenger transportation. The Minister spoke about the work of the Forensic Examination Department. Employees of this unit participated in almost four thousand inspections of crime scenes and conducted 23259 studies. Training of employees was organized on the basis of the Forensic Examination Department. The plans include the construction of a new building for the department of biological object examinations. The initiative is still at the design stage.
The Minister mentioned in his report the work being carried out to improve the conditions of detention of citizens in temporary detention facilities. Repair work is being carried out, furniture, inventory, and plumbing are being updated. Vitaly Neagu especially singled out the detention facility of the Tiraspol Department of Internal Affairs. Major repairs are underway there with the renewal of the water supply and ventilation systems.
The head of the department focused on the preventive work carried out among young people. Law enforcement officers conducted 874 lectures during 2024. The audience coverage is 18 thousand students from 131 educational institutions. The use of UAVs in law enforcement activities was also discussed. UAVs help to identify violations of traffic rules, environmental standards, and are also used to maintain public order. 618 offenses were identified during 282 events using such technical means bythe State Traffic Inspectorate. The specialty "Operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems" was opened at the Tiraspol Law Institute in pursuance of the presidential order. This is a professional retraining program. A lot of work was carried out during the reporting period by the Emergency Situations Department. Rescuers and firefighters went to help citizens 4.5 thousand times. 26 people were saved: 11 on the water, 15 in fires. There were some tragedies: 23 people died in fires, seven people drowned in 2024. In total, 282 fires occurred last year. Material damage – 5.8 million rubles. Valuables worth a total of 51.5 million rubles were saved. Vitaly Neagu reported on fire-fighting tactical exercises and training held in 2024. There were 182 of them. The Minister drew attention to the need to update the official transport of the Emergency Situations Department, noting that most of the fire and rescue vehicles are used beyond their service life. A targeted state program is being implemented, within the framework of which five fire trucks and a rapid response vehicle. Repairs to the administrative building of the Emergency Situations Department began and are currently ongoing last year. In addition, work was carried out in territorial divisions.
Road safety statistics. 129 accidents with casualties were recorded in 2024: 103 in populated areas, 26 outside them. 15 participants in the accidents died, 130 were injured. A third of the accidents were with pedestrians (43 facts). The culprits of road accidents were the pedestrians in 15 cases. Important: not a single child died on the roads, but there were 17 young victims during the reporting period. The traffic militia officers identified 74633 administrative violations in total. 813 drivers were detained for driving while intoxicated, in 54 cases – under the influence of drugs. Vitaly Neagu focused on the changes made last year to the legislation in the field of road safety and informed about the measures taken to reduce accidents. 432 orders were issued to eliminate deficiencies in the maintenance of the street and road network in the reporting period. 328 were executed. In addition, 233 traffic control devices were installed. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that based on the results of the traffic militia monitoring, a package of initiatives was compiled aimed at improving the road infrastructure and improving the road network. The Safe City system continues to develop. 11 photo and video recording complexes were put into operation last year. There are 20 of them in the republic. According to the minister, more than 180 thousand decisions were made in 2024 based on data collected using artificial intelligence. The amount of budget revenues exceeded 9.2 million rubles. This is 4 times more than at the time of the launch of the Safe City system. The use of a new generation of facial recognition systems contributed to the detention of 25 people who were wanted.
Information on assistance to foreign citizens temporarily residing in Pridnestrovie due to geopolitical circumstances was included in the report. 350 thousand people have entered the republic in transit and for temporary stay since 2022. As of the end of 2024, 59 refugees lived in the Solnechny medical and resort center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (this number remains the same to this day). 469 children of citizens who arrived from Ukraine study in schools in the republic, 180 attend kindergartens, and more than a hundred attend additional education institutions totally.
The personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs serve at checkpoints in the context of the high "yellow" level of terrorist threat established in the republic. 76 important life support facilities are under special control. 60 employees from rapid response teams are on duty every day. Law enforcement officers actively participate in events within the framework of the state of emergency economic regime introduced in the country. The Anti-Crisis Republican Information Center has been created on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since December 25, 2024.
Vitaly Neagu recalled that based on the results of last year, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR was awarded the title of "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Labor Valor". Speaking about staffing, the minister said that the staffing of units has not yet reached 68% (the figure is 1.5% lower than a year earlier). The largest personnel shortage is in the Criminal Investigation Department: the staff is 55.7%. The Tiraspol Law Institute is engaged in the training of young specialists. 52 officers graduated, 51 people were enrolled in the university last year. Eight cadets became holders of the presidential scholarship in 2024. A new specialty appeared at Tiraspol Law Institute – "forensic examination". Work is actively underway on advanced training programs. The Republican Cadet Corps, subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is also functioning. 31 people received a certificate from the Republican Cadet Corps last year. 23 girls and 29 boys joined the ranks of the cadets. Currently, 176 cadets are studying. 507 cadets have graduated the educational institution over 22 years. Vitaly Neagu spoke about the work carried out to improve the learning conditions for the children, reporting on the repair of bedrooms, showers, gyms, the installation of 10 air conditioners, and the assembly of a tactical airsoft town. He supervises the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Republican Educational and Training Complex. Currently, 26 teenagers live and study at the Republican Educational and Training Complex. More than a hundred off-site events were organized for the children during the reporting year in addition to the main educational process.
Vitaly Neagu spoke about the sporting achievements of law enforcement officers and the functioning of the Dynamo Center and its divisions, informed about the organization of interaction with citizens and interdepartmental contacts, and focused on the topic of housing for employees. A new residential complex of 11 three-story buildings was commissioned in Tiraspol, Mira Street last year, under the presidential program of affordable housing for public sector employees. Fifty militia officers are among the owners of 132 apartments. This is already the 12th housing project in which the Ministry of Internal Affairs is participating. Plans call for the commissioning of a 32-apartment residential building for the families of militia officers, the head of the department said. He spoke about creating conditions for service, recalling the commissioning of the building of the Bendery traffic militia department and Driver Licensing Office, as well as the renovation of the infrastructure of the militia departments in Bendery and Tiraspol.
The report was commented on by the PMR Prosecutor Anatoly Guretsky and the Supreme Council deputies. The First President of the PMR also took the floor. Igor Smirnov spoke about the measures taken to minimize staff turnover. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the fact that the report, rich in statistical data, would have been even more valuable if it contained analytics supported by examples from law enforcement practice. The President considers that there are no systemic problems in the work of the department, and the existing rough spots are being eliminated in the course of work. The holding of the boards is aimed at identifying them. Speaking about the effectiveness of the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs units, Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the significant reduction in the number of accidents occurring on the water and tragedies related to fires. This is the result of preventive work, the President is sure. He considers it is important to carry it out in all areas. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed confidence that crimes are caused by impunity. The PMR President recalled as an example the statistics in the field of road traffic announced by the Minister: traffic militia officers have drawn up more than 74 thousand reports. A significant percentage of violators are held accountable again, often multiple times. They pay fines and break the law again, threatening the lives of road users. The President instructed the Minister to provide an information and analytical report on each culprit of an accident that occurred in 2024, emphasizing that 81% of accidents (105 out of 129) occurred due to the fault of drivers. It is important to identify cases of repeat offenses, relapse, maliciousness of offenses and respond accordingly, says Vadim Krasnoselsky. The point system in this area is the most effective preventive tool in his opinion. The President also instructed to intensify the interaction of law enforcement officers with educational institutions as a preventive measure. Two key areas are traffic rules and responsibility for participation in illegal drug trafficking. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized in conclusion the wide range of tasks performed by the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He noted that ensuring law and order has recently become a more comprehensive concept. The President expressed gratitude to the employees of all militia units for their service. He noted that traditionally the work of any department is recognized as satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The President considered the service activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR for 2024 to deserve a "good" rating.