The state administration of Grigoriopol district and the city of Grigoriopol summed up the results of its activities. The reporting period is 2024. The report was made by Oleg Gabuzha, the highest authority of the district. The discussion of the results of the work and plans for the future was held in a videoconference. The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky gave an assessment of the effectiveness.
The head of Grigoriopol noted that a number of target programs have been developed to fulfill the tasks facing the administration, most of which are long-term. According to Oleg Gabuzha, work was carried out in the district for more than 57 million rubles during 2024: funds from the Capital Investment Fund – 10 million, share program – 14 million, money from the local budget – 7.5 million, from the Road Fund – almost 26 million rubles. The objects that received attention in the reporting period: the City House of Culture, the traffic militia and military registration and enlistment office buildings, the community center and heating main of the village of Delakeu, kindergartens in the villages of Krasnaya Gorka, Shipka, Vinogradnoye, the food block of the school in Butor, the administrative and economic complex of the second city school, the buildings of the administrations of the villages of Malaeshty, Bychok and Teya, a kart track, a rowing base. Repair and restoration work was carried out at six mass graves in the villages of Shipka, Speya, Teya and Tokmazeya within the framework of the republican state program. In addition, municipal forces and funds made and installed 14 monuments on the graves of the fallen and deceased defenders of Pridnestrovie, participants in the military operations in Afghanistan, and a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. More than 12 million rubles were spent on municipal roads. Half of the amount was spent on the construction of new roads, the rest to convert gravel pavement to asphalt concrete (4000 square meters) and cement concrete (5000 square meters). Work was financed to repair yard driveways, pedestrian paths, sidewalks, parking lots and parking areas, as well as road maintenance under the improvement program. A similar amount 12.5 million rubles was allocated to put in order roads running through the Grigoriopol district, but which are state-owned. Oleg Gabuzha reported that funds received in the form of share contributions from agricultural producers were directed to the development of the road industry last year (the above-mentioned 14 million rubles were spent on asphalting 14500 square meters of road surface in Glinoye, Karmanovo, Tashlyk, Spey, Krasnaya Gorka, Delakeu, as well as on the improvement of six territories adjacent to rural schools and kindergartens). Speaking about the district economy, the head of the distict reported that 335 enterprises and 2257 entrepreneurs were engaged in financial and economic activity in 2024 (an increase of 2.7% over the year), 1076 of which were peasant farms. The speaker noted the development of the consumer market and said that 11 new trade and service facilities were opened in the reporting year, 64 permits for mobile trade were issued. The fee for the right to trade replenished the local budget by 27217 rubles, which is 31% more than the year before. 3.8 million rubles is the total amount of 18 loans issued to peasant farms. Two young families, as well as the widow of the defender of Pridnestrovie, were given loans on preferential terms last year – all for the purchase or construction of housing.
The speaker focused on the activities of municipal enterprises: the Production Department of Housing and Public Utilities, the Specialized Vehicle Facility, the Grigoriopol Landscaping Department, the Vostok Cultural and Leisure Center, and the Central Park of Culture and Leisure. There are some figures: the Production Department of Housing and Public Utilities includes 59 buildings (129 thousand square meters of housing) on its balance. Almost 4 million rubles were charged for services, but only three million (75%) were paid. The specialized enterprise removed 33 thousand cubic meters of garbage over the year. The coverage of the system for concluding contracts for solid waste removal is 95%. It is important: the 5% are mainly residents of the villages of Malaeshty (they organized self-removal, since there is a solid waste landfill nearby) and Krasnogorka (served by the local housing and communal services). It was noted at the meeting that Grigoriopol District is the most efficient from the point of view of contractual discipline in this area. Grigoriopol has its own production of paving slabs, which fully meets the internal demand. 4750 square meters were manufactured and 2700 square meters were laid last year. Grigoriopol landscapers planted 150 shrubs and trees, 120 rose seedlings and more than a thousand annual flowers. The planting material is grown in their own greenhouse. In the Vostok cinema, restored on the initiative and with the support of the President, 1560 sessions were held during the year, which were attended by 20600 spectators. Orphans and children with special needs watch films for free, members of large families pay half the cost of the ticket. 35 concert programs, 36 games, 16 dance evenings, 12 youth discos, 10 open-air film screenings were held in the Green Theater of the Central Park in the corresponding season. Budget indicators are a mandatory component of the yearly report. The municipal treasury received more than 192 million rubles: 109.5 million – own revenues, 82.8 million – republican subsidies. The total amount exceeds the 2023 figures. This is due to an increase in business activity, an increase in the receipt of a number of taxes: income and land taxes. Expenses amounted to 192.1 million rubles, 121.4 million of which were directed to finance socially protected items (59% of this amount are expenses for paying salaries to public sector employees).
The head of Grigoriopol district focused on the topic of providing schoolchildren with meals, spoke about the activities of cultural and sports institutions. Statistical data on the population were announced. 37342 people live in the district. 160 babies were born in 2024.
After hearing the head's report, the President recognized the activities of the state administration of Grigoriopol district and Grigoriopol as satisfactory. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the experience of Oleg Gabuzha and the professionalism of the team he assembled. The President gave a number of recommendations aimed at improving the activities of the state administration. He particularly emphasized the need to complete repair work at the Grigoriopol polyclinic. This is a significant social facility, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized. He spoke about the need to focus on developing not only agriculture, but also related areas in the essentially agrarian Grigoriopol district.