Press point of Vadim Krasnoselsky

The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky talked to journalists at the end of the official part of the festive events dedicated to the Day of the City of Tiraspol. Answering a question about the achievements and plans for the further development of the capital, the President noted that the most important thing is the assessment by the residents and guests of the city. He emphasized the importance of the presence of cozy, well-maintained, interesting and comfortable places in the city – especially in times of complicated logistics and difficult travel outside the republic for travel. The President's positive assessment and noticeable changes in the social infrastructure of the city did not go unnoticed.

They asked the President why he loves Tiraspol. Vadim Krasnoselsky's answer: "A lot of interesting historical figures left their mark on the history of the city of Tiraspol. The city was created to protect this region and the lives of people. I perceive the city of Tiraspol with great gratitude. Many things have been saved in Pridnestrovie thanks to Tiraspol as the capital. The city is developing – this is the merit of its residents, those who study, develop and enjoy it here in Tiraspol. I would like to wish the people of Tiraspol that the rich military history, about which volumes could be written, would end. The history of creation, development, love and harmony should be continued. This is the most important thing. Military history is good, of course no questions, we honor the memory of our ancestors. We are currently finishing the reconstruction of the memorial complex. This is a separate page in the history of Tiraspol. I really want, and I hope for peace, harmony and understanding". Representatives of the mass media mentioned in the conversation one of the founders of Tiraspol – Alexander Suvorov and the topic of the possible canonization of this undoubtedly significant historical figure, which is being discussed in society. They asked Vadim Krasnoselsky for his opinion on this matter. "This is a delicate issue. Generalissimo Suvorov is the founder of the city (Tiraspol is the only city founded by Suvorov), a great political figure, a great commander who withstood 80 battles and never lost a single one. The issue of canonization is still the competence of persons of the corresponding rank. I do not even take responsibility for commenting on this issue”, the PMR President responded.

The conversation touched on the topic of the first Pridnestrovian statehood, the centenary of which is on October 12. The President was asked whether he considers it necessary to make this holiday a state holiday. “I need to hear the opinion of the public, our historians. If there is a proposal, we will consider it. This is an element of statehood. We cannot say that the statehood of Pridnestrovie was 100% established on October 12, 1924. A whole historical period has passed. The Soviet Union collapsed, so much has changed, you understand? It is impossible to evaluate it unequivocally, but as an element, yes. If there is a request, there will be a response”.

They talked not only about history, but also about contemporary politics. The upcoming elections in the neighboring republic, the referendum on Moldova's accession to the EU, and the initiative of the Pridnestrovian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be ready to hold a corresponding referendum in Pridnestrovie to find out the PMR citizens’ opinion were discussed. "I think that Kishinev knows our history, our traditions, knows that we have held seven referendums on important issues - both statehood and domestic economic issues. The people have always been active and expressed their opinion, their will. There are probably some reasons why Kishinev does not want to hear us. I have already spoken out and will speak again: only the people have the right to change the vector of development of Pridnestrovie. All the people of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic can do this at any referendum. Only the people – not representatives of a separate nationality, citizenship or religion, but all the people of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, everyone who holds a passport of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The people will indicate the guidelines when the people are asked. The President, the government, every official must fulfill the will of the people of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Of course, we would consider the issue, no matter how difficult it was for us, and we would give the opportunity to all the people to speak out in a referendum if there was an appeal from Moldova. It is their choice since this did not happen”, Vadim Krasnoselsky considers. The PMR President emphasized speaking about the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova scheduled for the upcoming weekend: “Pridnestrovie will not hinder the expression of the will of citizens. We have never hindered and are not going to do so, but people must think about their own safety, of course. Even though, as for hints, information – this could be provocative information. I don’t know, time will tell. There is a little less than a week left, but don’t doubt that we will be freely letting citizens through”.