Fresh flowers as a symbol of unfading memory

The Moldovan authorities hypocritically called the restoration of constitutional order the lawlessness committed in the early 90s by Moldovan nationalists on the territory of the peaceful left bank of the Dniester. Large-scale aggression, genocide of the Pridnestrovian people, war, terrorism – this is the true essence of those events. It is enough to give them a fair assessment to look into the eyes of the relatives of the victims and everyone who saw the death and destruction that the security forces of Moldova brought to the Pridnestrovian land. Pridnestrovians remember and bring fresh flowers to where enemies sowed death.

A stone sign installed in Echin Street, at the site of the execution of guardsmen, Bendery militia officers and cotton mill employees, was revived with colorful flowers today. The tragedy occurred at dawn on April 1, 1992. The large delegation that took part in the flower-laying ceremony was headed by the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky. In memory of their fallen comrades, current and future law enforcement officers – the Tiraspol Law Institute and Republican Cadet Corps cadets - marched solemnly.

The President placed scarlet carnations as a symbol of unfading memory and the unabated pain of loss on the memorial cross, which was installed on the facade of one of the Bendery buildings in the central part of the city. It recalls the tragic events that took place at this place on the night of June 19-20, 1992, and the feat of the Cossacks who stood up to protect the residents of Bendery. 92 Cossacks were killed by the weapons of the Moldovan security forces during the hostilities.