The Krasnoselsky couple visited a festive concert dedicated to the 34th anniversary of Pridnestrovie

A festive concert is held in the Palace of the Republic after the State Awards Ceremony every year. It is held in the large hall. The PMR President always addresses the guests. The President arrived at the event accompanied by his wife.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the formation of Pridnestrovie coincided with the difficult times of the collapse of the Soviet Union – with all the consequences that followed from this global catastrophe.

"This was very difficult time. The people who found themselves hostage here after the collapse of the country were isolated both politically and economically. Life and health, rights and freedom were at risk. What was the way out? Only one. The creation of structures that will ensure the life, health, rights and freedom of the people living here, on the banks of the Dniester. This was the only right choice. The choice of the first Pridnestrovian deputies, the first President Igor Nikolayevich Smirnov. There were no other options. This was a territory inhabited by people, the Pridnestrovian people, who had the right to life. This did not suit those who ruled Moldova, of course. They began terror. The armed forces of the neighboring state invaded Pridnestrovie. 1992. The Pridnestrovian people having united defended their independence, their history, their right to life and the right to speak their native languages, just as our grandfathers and great-grandfathers once drove the fascists and Nazis out of here, from our land, 80 years ago. Defenders of the fatherland die in every war. They died in the 40s, they died in the 90s, defending our Motherland”, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, calling for a minute of silence to honor the memory of the fallen. The President recalled the importance of the peacekeeping mission, expressing gratitude to the Russian peacekeepers who arrived in Pridnestrovie in the summer of 1992 to stop the Moldovan aggression. Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed words of special gratitude to the defenders and founders of the republic, “We have overcome and are overcoming problems, difficulties, challenges from the very beginning of its formation and to this day. We have many achievements. This is also a fact. I will not focus on them specifically. This would be a long report. You all see perfectly well what is happening around us and what we are doing today. All this would not have been possible if not for the feat of the first Pridnestrovian deputies, their will and desire to ensure the protection of people. Therefore, dear Igor Nikolayevich, dear veterans of the PMR, defenders, I bow low to you”. The President spoke about the Pridnestrovian people, emphasizing their exclusivity and calling it their main achievement, “The people of Pridnestrovie remember their traditions, remember their ancestors, speak their languages, have their own identity, have the right to self-determination, have their own kinship. This is a fact. No matter how anyone tries to say it differently, nothing will work. The Pridnestrovian people exist and have a future. This year has been declared the Year of Family and Family Values. This is very true. The family is the unit of our Pridnestrovian people. They sacredly preserve the traditions that have accumulated over centuries and that are not questioned here in Pridnestrovie. It is very important to understand. Watching TV, it becomes scary what is happening outside of Pridnestrovie. We preserve our own, what we have acquired. We do not allow anyone to take away or refute our values”. The President reminded that along with traditions and history, the Pridnestrovians preserve their faith. He said that in the republic during the modern Pridnestrovian period the number of churches increased from four to almost 130. Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated the Pridnestrovians, called on them to continue living, working, developing, creating and wished everyone health, prosperity and peace.