Working meeting of the President with the heads of state authorities and administration

Vadim Krasnoselsky held traditional for Monday morning the video conference with the heads of state authorities and administration. The heads of state administrations informed about the situation on the ground, reported on revenues to the city and district budgets, implementation of state and municipal programs, plans for the near future, including in terms of the development of additional allocated funds. We are talking about money received in excess of planned income.

The President asked about the readiness of networks and facilities for the beginning of the heating season. The heads reported that the preparatory work had been carried out everywhere. It was noted that the launch date of the system on the 24th of October was previously discussed, but Vadim Krasnoselsky insisted on supplying heat to residential buildings before the weekend – already on Friday of this week.

They talked about the upcoming nationwide volunteer Saturday work, scheduled for the 7th of November. It was noted that 430 thousand rubles were allocated from the reserve fund for the purchase of planting material. The President instructed to think over creative support during its preparation taking into consideration the date chosen for the event. Creative teams that will perform on mobile platforms will be involved in order to create a festive and working mood and atmosphere typical of volunteer Saturday work.

Another issue on the agenda of today's meeting is the planned changes in the healthcare system. Some details were discussed. Vadim Krasnoselsky directed the heads of state administrations to work with the public at the same time, emphasizing that citizens should correctly understand the purpose and essence of the upcoming optimization. They mentioned the amendments made to the tax legislation. A change from the 1st of January next year in approaches to the taxation of individual entrepreneurs will entail a change in the forecast indicators of the revenue part of the budget – the expectation of increase. Plans related to its distribution will be discussed today in the course of the meeting under the President.