The President held a conference call on the current situation in the towns and districts of the republic

The heads of town and district administrations informed the President about the current state of affairs in the course of the conference call with the heads of state authorities and administrations. The situation is stable everywhere. Social obligations are fulfilled in a timely manner. Revenues to local budgets exceed the planned figures. Additional income will allow the implementation of more municipal projects. For example, they expect to bring the skating rink back to life by the New Year holidays in Tiraspol. Snezhinka is now a municipal facility. The city has to revive it. The neighboring sports and playgrounds that are part of the Tiraspol stadium will also be reconstructed – the city stadium, not the republican one now, but bearing the name of the honored football coach of the MSSR and PMR Yevgeny Shinkarenko.

Repair work in the 37th capital kindergarten and in the second building of municipal secondary correctional educational institution No. 2 is at the final stage. Solemn events on the occasion of the official commissioning of infrastructurally renovated institutions will be timed to coincide with the City Day. Tiraspol is preparing for a three-day celebration in general – events are scheduled for October 13, 14 and 15. A varied concert and entertainment program is being prepared for Saturday. The DoReDos is Among the Pridnestrovian teams that will perform in the center of the capital.

Residents of Bendery are also getting ready for the city's name day. Celebrations will take place October 7 and 8. The program is also getting rich. The launch of the carousels of the attraction site in the Alexander Nevsky Park is among the new things for the holiday.

The republican voluntary Saturday work is another mass event scheduled for October 7. All administrations are preparing for it. The President instructed to maximally involve volunteer organizations in the implementation of this large-scale project and further strengthen the environmental direction of the volunteer movement. Vadim Krasnoselsky urged to pay special attention to the cleaning of the Dniester coastline. They discussed in addition the necessity of ensuring the prompt removal of garbage collected by participants of voluntary Saturday work and environmental events. This is the area of ​​responsibility of specialized services subordinated to state administrations. The issue of acquiring landscaping materials was also discussed. An interesting solution was found by the inhabitants of Tiraspol: a naturally raised nursery of maple seedlings was found on the idle territory of the former plant named after Kirov. The so-called self-seeds of various varieties of this tree are well rooted. The shoots will be thinned out with benefit - seedlings dug out with ground are used as planting material for landscaping parks and streets.

The issue of old planting lopping was discussed in the course of the meeting. The emphasis now is on the centralized putting in order of the territories adjacent to educational institutions. As for other public places, the wind of the past weekend revealed the most problematic areas. Broken trees and branches are eliminated pointwise in settlements. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the need to clean the plantings along the roads. The administration of Slobodzeya on his instructions removed about two thousand emergency trees only in the area in the Grigoriopol direction last year. Slobodzeya plans to work with a section of the road leading to Pervomaisk this year. The President recommended that the local population be involved in this work, providing an opportunity for gratuitous sawing and self-delivery of trees cut by the profile service.

The issue of the discussed reorganization of the health care system was raised in the course of the meeting. The topic is being worked out at the level of the legislative and executive branches of Government. The President keeps the issue under personal control. The public, especially in settlements where a reduction in the number of inpatient beds is expected, is expressing concern. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the society should be informed in a timely manner and in full about ongoing or upcoming reorganization measures. It is important not to put people before the fact, but to justify the decisions made, explain their essence and purpose, so that citizens understand that modernization is aimed at improving the healthcare system and improving the quality of medical care, the President emphasized.

Another question that worries Pridnestrovians is when the heating season will start. The centralized heat supply system during the pandemic years was launched without taking into account generally accepted regulatory indicators, seriously increasing the heating period. There are no grounds for violation of the norms this year. The heat supply directly depends on the natural temperature regime. The average daily indicators are far from those that require the launch of a residential heating system so far. The sequence of connection of facilities will be determined by order of the President. The priority is traditionally hospitals and social institutions of permanent residence of citizens.