The President's Family for a Healthy Lifestyle

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, popularizing rowing, strengthening ties and building up interaction between government agencies, departments, structures - all these are the goals and objectives of the President's Family for a Healthy Lifestyle regatta, organized on the initiative, under the patronage and with the direct participation of the PMR President. The location – is Rowing Center (residents of Bendery know it as the rowing base "Chaika"). The event is designed for two days. Today is the opening ceremony and the first competitive stage.

The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky, addressing the participants of the event – teammates and rivals, reminded that the regatta "The President's Family for a Healthy Lifestyle" has been held for several years. Professional rowers competed previously. It was decided this time to change the format and attract newcomers to the competition. The PMR President emphasized that rowing is a team sport.

The competition organization system is mixed: a qualifying handicap first, then determining the finalists and group winners according to the Olympic principle - an elimination race. 27 teams registered. 10 participants in each are employees of ministries and departments, including the Head. The races are organized in three groups. The presidential crew will compete in a 15-team block. The Government, the Supreme Council, the ministries of social and economic profile, state administrations, the Bendery City Council, the State University are among the rivals.

Exactly one month was allotted for preparation for the regatta. This was their first exposure to rowing for many participants. Despite the rich history of various areas of this sport in Pridnestrovie and the high level of performance of professional athletes, dragon boat rowing has not been cultivated in the republic before. This type is quite common in other countries: various championships are held, including the world. The purchase of 10-seater sports boats, updating the infrastructure and equipment of rowing bases, introducing more citizens to the culture of rowing will make it even more popular and possibly include dragon rowing in the list of sports officially cultivated in Pridnestrovie in the future, the participants of the regatta spoke today.