The President held a working meeting on the introduction of residency as part of the medical education system

The discussion of using such an instrument as residency in the medical personnel training system advisability was opened not today. Meetings have already been devoted to this topic - both departmental and under the President. Vadim Krasnoselsky invited representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Pridnestrovian State University to the meeting to discuss the issues that arose in the process of preparing the project for implementation today. The idea as such is supported by all participants. Details are being worked out. The package of basic legislative initiatives has already been presented for initial information to the attention of parliamentarians. Deputies work with documents. Consideration by the Supreme Council in the framework of the plenary session is planned at the end of June. Today they talked about the purpose of the transition from internship to residency, about the rights and obligations of participants in this stage of the educational process, as well as about the distribution of responsibilities. The residency will be continuation of the educational process (two years duration), but with a focus on obtaining practical skills in fact. The process will be organized on the basis of medical institutions, but the state university will oversee it. At the same time, residents will receive the status of a health care worker, will be included in the staff of medical institutions with an appropriate salary. It was noted during the meeting that not only current and future graduates of the medical faculty of the Pridnestrovian State University, but also those who received a diploma earlier will be able to continue their studies as a resident.

The meeting participants discussed the prospects for interaction with Russian universities, including the Volga Region Medical University. It is not only about working with residents, but also about training specialists for the Pridnestrovian health care system in general, as well as improving their qualifications. The President supported the initiative to build up contacts with the Volga Region Medical University. A full package of proposals with justification will be presented to the President in the near future.

The issue of creating simulation centers - subdivisions of the medical faculty, organized at clinical bases was discussed. Simulation equipment is an important element of the transition from theory to practice, it was emphasized at the meeting.

They talked about time frames. It is considered that the full implementation of the residency mechanism will take two years. The timing is being discussed.