Message from the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. “Economic self-sufficiency” block. The tasks in the economics and finance

To the Ministry of Economic Development:

1. To continue the implementation of state support measures for economic entities of the PMR through preferential lending for investment purposes.

2. To adapt the PMR tax legislation to changes in the classification of types of economic activities to replace the codes of sectors of the national economy.

3. To simplify the procedure for submitting applications for participation in public procurement to increase competition in procurement and the efficiency of spending budget funds.

4. To put into operation the “Unified Occupational Safety and Health Information System” state information system.

5. To continue the creation of a modern tourism industry through the development and improvement of display facilities and attractions, support and development of rural tourism, and stimulation of the availability of domestic tourism for residents of Pridnestrovie. It is important.

6. To put into operation and practical application of the “State Property” state information system.

7. To implement the Capital Investment Fund in terms of the development of design and estimate documentation and examination of design and estimate documentation for the construction and major repairs of buildings and structures.

It is necessary to select the most expensive objects, let there be ten to fifteen of them, which is enough, and carry out an analysis of the formation of design estimates, the use of funds, and quality.

In addition, I set the task. I talked about continuing Yunosti Street with access to the bypass road. There is a canal there, there is a road. There is nothing simpler than putting pipes inside there for the passage of water, laying concrete blocks on top, filling them with non-subsidence soil and clay, rolling it all out and making a normal asphalt interchange so that Yunosti Street is relieved of congestion in terms of access to the bypass. That's all. Who should do this? No. This is exactly what the traffic militia officers should not sleep on, but suggest, and, naturally, the specialists of your department. This year it needs to be done. We need to find funds.


To the Ministry of Finance:

1. To ensure together with the Supreme Council of the PMR the implementation of measures to create a legal basis for the introduction of a mechanism for taking into account all obligations accepted during procurement by state (municipal) customers, including those that do not require the conclusion of contracts. This is a question of control.

2. To study the issue of the possibility of introducing a mechanism for paying corporate income tax in a single payment to one budget (extra-budgetary fund).

3. To continue work on the development of informatization and automation of processes in tax authorities in order to ensure maximum convenience and simplify the receipt of services by taxpayers, including in the following areas:

a) expanding the volume of government services provided in the tax field in electronic form through the “Public Services Portal” state information system;

b) designing a system for automating the collection of taxes from individuals;

c) automation of the electronic provision by commercial banks of information on the movement of funds in current ruble and foreign currency accounts opened for individual entrepreneurs to carry out business activities;

d) further automation of payment of taxes levied on individual entrepreneurs;

e) automation of the transfer to the Unified State Social Insurance Fund of the PMR of information on taxes paid by individual entrepreneurs, necessary for calculating pensions and benefits.

4. To provide measures of state support in the tax sphere to economic agents experiencing difficulties in carrying out financial and economic activities due to unfavorable external factors.

5. To conduct regular meetings with taxpayers, summarizing the practice of applying the tax legislation of the PMR for its timely changes and additions. Don't forget about Union of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs of Pridnestrovie – invite, consult, make decisions.

6. To continue to monitor compliance by entrepreneurs with legislation on special tax regimes. To develop in cooperation with other authorities a set of measures to popularize the receipt of receipts when making purchases.

As for popularization, this is understandable, it is necessary. We need more control, involve Department for Combating Economic Crimes, use your resources and prove to enterprises the need to issue a check. Any check is money for the budget. The absence of a check is the theft of money from the budget. Those who do not punch the check steal money from people – pensioners, from state employees.

I appeal to the media: this idea must be propagated. Failure to issue a check is theft. When a person commits theft, that is, there is a secret theft of the property of the owner – from the state, from an individual, everyone condemns, despises, he is a bandit, he is a thief, he receives a well-deserved punishment, a measure of restriction determined by the court. Failure to issue a check means the money does not go to the budget. It is the same. The effect is the same. The attitude of society, society should be the same. To prevent people from passing by, they took the check, made comments, and reported the fact that the check had not been issued. There must be an appropriate telephone number, and everywhere – in all retail outlets, in all shopping centers – advertisements are posted: if a check is not issued, call such and such a number. Oblige the owners of these centers to do it yourself. Receive messages, go out to check. These statements should be everywhere. This is a normal form of prevention and budget replenishment.